(800) 681-3114

Fees & Payment Information

Dr. Mike Abrams and Dr. Lidia Abrams are among the most highly credentialed psychologists in northern New Jersey. Despite this, their fees are often lower than many professionals who do not offer the same level of training, academic standing, or published research.


Although we do not accept insurance per se,  we will try to work with any insurance company offering reasonable coverage. Both Dr. Mike Abrams and Dr. Lidia Abrams will assist you in getting reimbursed from your health insurance company and their staff will act as advocates in helping you obtain reimbursement. They are out-of-network providers for most health insurance companies. To find out what your company will reimburse, you must call your insurer and find what they cover for out of network psychotherapy.  Dr. Abrams' staff will complete your insurance forms and actively work with your insurance company. However before the first visit, we require that you provide a credit card number to be securely filed, or that you make a payment be made via the PayPal link below.


Typically, our fee is $180 for a 50 minute psychotherapy session and $200. for a one hour couples session.  If a session is not cancelled within 24 hours the full fee will be assessed. See the "About Us" link and select Dr. Lidia for fees for psychological evaluations.

Please feel free to call their office for more information.

You Can also Email Us for More Information at:

Payment Information

Payment for psychological services: Select pay now and enter the service and fees. If you have any questions please contact the office.